Hello, I’m Nik

I graduated from Weber State University in 2022 with a BA in Creative Writing and Linguistics. During my time there and since then, I have performed readings at multiple events, including the Utah Arts Festival, Ogden Arts Festival, National Coming Out Day, and Songs from Along the Watershed. I do most of my writing and reading along the Wasatch Front and am grateful to be able to regularly work with a diverse and inspiring group of writers, poets, and creatives.

I was born and raised in Sweden, but moved to the U.S. as a teenager, and my experiences with travel and cultural friction have greatly impacted my work. Likewise, my experiences as a queer individual and my deconversion journey are reflected in almost all of my poems and stories. I believe the best literature comes from exposure, kindness, and the acceptance of others’ authentic lived experiences. I also believe in being harsh and pointed in my critique of unjust power systems, especially those I’ve benefited from myself.

In the end, I just love to write, and it’s my hope you all will enjoy some of what I’ve hosted here.